blah blah blog

Live your life first, blog about it later...

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Long, long, long, long time.... No Blog.

It's been years since my last blog. The original inspiration for my creating this blog, Megan, has been taken from this earth. After literally 2 years of attempting to regain access to this account, I found a notebook containing the login and password. I am grateful and truly lucky. I am blessed to have survived to post this.


  • At 7:22 PM, Blogger toast of the town said…

    What happened to Megan?

    Actually, I didn't know her, and don't know who she is. I randomly came across her blog, and was very entertained by her ramblings. Then followed the links, and found this thing about her being "taken from the earth."

    It's making me sad, and I only know of her through her impassioned blog of many years ago...


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