blah blah blog

Live your life first, blog about it later...

Friday, December 30, 2005

Long time no blah blah blog

Here I am on the night before the night before the end of the year... that's the eve of New Year's... eve... anyway... And so the mindless ramblings begin.

So it's been awhile since I've last blogged, and for anyone who would by chance check my blog on any kind of a regular basis (most likely facebook addicts like myself) you may notice that I have re-published some formerly removed bloggy blogs. This is because I have determined that I am going to speak my mind about politics and politically sensitive issues, even though it means that I will undoubtedly get laid a lot less (if that's possible) and, possibly more importantly, I will be revealing aspects of my conscious that I will almost undoubtedly be forced to recant and renig on at a later date. Anyway, glad that's been cleared up for you boys and girls.

OK, so I'm back in Iowa City after a not-so-brief stint at a "very happy place" in Davenport. By "not-so-brief" I mean 3 and a half months and by "very happy place" I mean... well, maybe you should just ask me yourself or refer back to stoner "Puff the Magic Dragon" rantings from my younger years. Anyhow, enough with the personal updates, lets get down to some hardcore, nitty-gritty writing about some serious stuff that may or may not be going on in the world right now.

So we're still at war with Iraq... it's been a while. I don't really have a strong opinion on whether or not the war is/was a good idea, because it would inevitably be a 20/20 hindsight scenario. I mean, it would be nice if we didn't have to go to war for ANYTHING, but let's be realistic here folks, there are some totally fucked up people in this world. The thing that I don't understand about the war effort is why the democratic process is taking so long to unfold... I should probably gather some more information before I start ranting, and I do understand there is no Continental Congress in this thing, but seriously, do they even have any semblence of an army yet? Do they have domestic policing? Do they feel their rights are protected? These questions will be answered in the future... hopefully, maybe... maybe not...

Moving on... What's up with this Brokeback Mountain movie? Is this seriously what I think I heard it is? Is this a gay cowboy movie? And it's not a porno flick or anything like that? hmm... that is the weirdest thing I have ever heard in my entire life... I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with homosexuality, not that at all, but gay cowboys? I could never envision John Wayne getting involved in any kind of gayness... in fact, he'd probably bust a cap in their asses... not like a condom cap though... ugh... sexual innuendo is killing me. Simply put, I don't find the possiblity of gay cowboys very realistic at all, and I will not be renting this one from Blockbuster either, partially because people might talk about that.

Alright, I'm gonna put my keyboard down and play some internet poker, maybe drink a beer or two or more... it's been a pleasure as always, we'll do it again sometime soon.